Saturday, August 31, 2019

Dickens & education in Hard Times Essay

In Hard times we see two versions of the world of education. The first view is that of Thomas Gradgrind’s and his â€Å"model school†. A place where facts are valued and imagination is regarded as unimportant. This is the utilitarian view. The second view is contrasted with the utilitarian view and is that of Mr Sleary’s circus. This is a place with much knowledge valuing both imagination and education. A place without the wealth of the Gradgrind’s but much in humanity. This is the â€Å"fanciful† world. I think Dickens is telling us that there are many different ways of bringing up and educating children. It is about getting the right balance between education and imagination. For example Sissy was brought up by her father and didn’t go to school but was quite well educated as she â€Å"used to read to him,† but her father let her use her imagination as she read the â€Å"wrong books† from Gradgrind’s point of view. Which were about â€Å"Fairies †¦ and the Hunchback and the Genies. † But when she went to Gradgrind’s house to live there she was cut off from having an imagination, as so was struggling to learn facts. The reader knows this as Sissy says, † I am – O so stupid! † when really she isn’t stupid at all, it is just that she has been forced to be brought up the utilitarian way, which is the wrong way for her, as she is used to having a balance between education and imagination but Gradgrind hasn’t allowed it. She â€Å"became low – spirited, but no wiser. † This is because she has an emotional memory and so she can’t learn the facts because she is being taught with a utilitarian view and so she can’t attach a feeling to what she is being taught. This is how Dickens implies that different people learn different ways and at different rates. For Gradgrind it could be argued that it was the right way for him as he was educated by his father the utilitarian way. He became a model pupil and owned a school. The reader knows that he was a model pupil as Dickens tells us â€Å"five young Gradgrinds †¦ were models everyone. † And â€Å"They had been lectured at from their tenderest years. † And in Gradgrind’s eyes this had worked so â€Å"He intended every child to be a model†. But what Gradgrind doesn’t realise is that all children are different and need to be brought up different ways, which is what Dickens is suggesting to the reader.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Lady of Bath vs. Desdemona

ENGL 220 – Scott Mackenzie December 8th, 2010 Breaking the Socially Acceptable Behavior of Women in Chaucer and Shakespeare To say that men in the centuries leading up to the twentieth believed a woman must be â€Å"seen but not heard,† is a fair statement. Women during the times of Chaucer and Shakespeare were second class citizens with little rights. They were considered properties of their masters (fathers and husbands), and had no use other than birthing and mothering. A woman was supposed to be meek, chaste, and have no opinion.However, the characters Desdemona in William Shakespeare’s Othello and Dame Alison from The Wife of Bath’s Prologue in Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales seemingly go against common conventions of women, as they are bold characters who have strong opinions and exert dominance. Dame Alison, the Wife of Bath, is a character created by Chaucer in The Canterbury Tales. She is a merchant who has an interest in profit, an d uses sex and her many husbands to gain that profit. Alison has been married five times, and she is open to more, as sex is extremely important to her. Welcome the sixte, whan that ever he shal! / For sothe, I wol nat kepe me chast in al,/ Whan myn housbonde is fro the world anoon. † (51-53) Alison is boldly stating that she will continue to remarry because she cannot remain without sex, a statement that blatantly goes against the ideal woman, a lady who has one husband and is chaste at all times. Alison challenges this ideal when she says, â€Å"but that I axe, why that the fifthe man/ was noon housbond to the Samaritan? 1/ How manye mighte she have in mariage? / †¦ God bad us for to wexe and multiplye. (21-23, 28) In Alison’s time, the messages in the bible were considered the truth and 1 Referencing a story in the bible where Jesus told a Samaritan that though she had five mates, only one was her husband. were not to be challenged, especially by a woman. Withi n the first one hundred lines of her prologue, Dame Alison is breaking traditional womanly conventions by admitting her love of sex and questioning why the bible says she can only have one husband. Traditionally, husbands worked to make money and wives took care of the household.However, in The Canterbury Tales, we find out that Dame Alison is a business woman who â€Å"of cloth-making she hadde swich an haunt,/ she passed hem of Ypres and of Gaunt. † (Prologue to Canterbury Tales, 449-50) And though she is a successful business woman in her own right, Alison also uses sex to control her men and receive material gifts from them. She states that her first husbands were so old that â€Å"they had me yeven hir gold and hir tresoor;/ me neded nat do lenger diligence/ to winne hir love, or doon hem reverence. (204-206) In this quote, Alison is saying that they gave her land, money, and love without her having to have sex with them, a quote that shows readers she is open about sle eping with men to get what she wants. She reaffirms this notion of using sex to get what she wants by stating, â€Å"a wys womman wol sette hir ever in oon/ to gete hir love, ther as she hath noon. / But sith I hadde hem hoolly in myn hond,/ and sith they hadde me yeven all hir lond/ what sholde I taken hede hem for to plese/ but it were for my profit and myn ese? (209-214) In the lines following that quote, Alison goes on to mention that she had her husbands wrapped around her finger and that they were happy to please her. This is a direct contradiction to the social expectations of women in the time of Chaucer. Women were supposed to be at their husbands beckon and call, to ask for nothing, and to provide sex when needed by the husband. However, Alison’s husbands are at her beckon and call, she asks repeatedly for things, and she only has sex when she wants something. By using sex to her economic advantage, Alison is further breaking the socially acceptable behavior of wom en.Dame Alison challenges the bible in reference to virginity. Challenging the bible was generally taboo, especially when it came from a woman. Alison poses strong arguments and questions about virginity. Firstly, she says that Saint Paul’s talk of virginity and remaining celibate throughout life â€Å"al nis but conseil. †(82) Secondly, in lines 105-114, she is saying that virginity is a kind of perfection, and though Jesus was perfect, virginity is only meant for those who strive for absolute perfection, like Jesus was. Alison, on the other hand, says that â€Å"[she] wol bistoew the flour of al myn age,/ in the actes and in fruit of mariage. (113-114) Thirdly, Alison questions the design of the physical body. â€Å"Telle me also, to what conclusion/ were membres maad of generacioun/ and for what profit was a wight y-wrought? † (115-117) In this quote, Alison is asking why genitals were made perfect for each other if they weren’t mean to be used. Quest ioning why the bible and society have such strong opinions on virginity, a subject that is not generally discussed by women, is yet another reason why Dame Alison, the Wife of Bath from The Canterbury Tales challenges the socially acceptable behavior of women.Desdemona, the main female character in William Shakespeare’s Othello is another example of a character who is breaking female behavior norms. In the first act, Brabantio, Desdemona’s father, makes note of what a proper Venetian woman should be. He says they should be â€Å"of spirit still and quiet†¦ never bold. † (I. iii. 95-97) Contrary to Brabantio’s statement however, Desdemona is arguably bold. Her father, Brabantio, has long decided Desdemona will marry a business man. She, however, finds them boring, and thus marries Othello.Othello, though a celebrated general of the Venetian arm, is a moor2 and is therefore somewhat of a 2 A person who usually comes from northern Africa or Arabia and i s therefore black or dark skinned. societal outcast in the predominantly white Venice. Desdemona blatantly defies her father, something proper women never do, by marrying a social outcast. Any proper woman in Othello’s time would have been meek and polite both in public and in private, characteristics that are not displayed by Desdemona in either place.When confronted by her father about her marriage to Othello, Desdemona fights back, stating â€Å"I am hitherto your daughter: but here’s my husband/ and so much duty as my mother show’d/ to you, preferring you before her,/ so much I challenge that I may profess/ due to the Moor my lord. † (I. iii. 185-189) Desdemona is maintaining a strong stance on her marriage to Othello and is not cowering away because of her angry father. She publicly argues with Brabantio, an act that easily challenges the socially acceptable behavior of women as women were supposed to be submissive, never arguing with their fathers ( or any man for that matter), specially in public. Like Dame Alison, Desdemona is a temptress who uses sex to get what she wants. Trying to convince Othello to forgive Cassio, Desdemona states, â€Å"tell me Othello, I wonder in my soul/ what you would ask me that I should deny,/ or stand so mammering on? † (III. iii. 68-70) By referring to her unquestionable desire to please Othello in every possible way, Desdemona is saying that Othello cannot possibly love her as much as she loves him if he denies her wishes. In this one instance, Desdemona is subtly defying the socially acceptable behavior of women as she is using her sexuality to get what she wants.Overall, both Desdemona from Othello and Dame Alison from The Wife of Bath’s Prologue are characters who defy the socially acceptable behavior of women in their respective time periods. Desdemona acts bold by defying and arguing with her father, and uses her sexuality to manipulate. Similarly, Alison uses her sexuality f or economic gains from her five husbands, has a successful business of her own, and challenges the bible’s stance on multiple marriages and virginity. Therefore, both Geoffrey Chaucer and William Shakespeare challenge the ideals of the behavior of women in the early 14th and 17th centuries respectively.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Characterization of Zaroff In Richard Connells T Essays - Fiction

Characterization of Zaroff In Richard Connell's "The Most Dangerous Game" 1) In "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell, the antagonist, General Zaroff, can best be described as sadistic, arrogant, and manipulative. 2) The worst trait of Zaroff is his arrogance. 3) He claims that he is superior to other people of different races and that because he is strong, it's his job to abolish the weak. 4) This idea is expressed when Zaroff states, "...Life is for the strong, and, if need be, taken by the strong. The weak of the world were put here to give the strong pleasure... I hunt the scum of the earth - sailors from tramp ships - lascars, blacks, Chinese, whites, mongrels- ..." 5) This shows that Zaroff not only acts arrogantly, but also is sadistic. 6) His demented mind forces him to believe that it is moral to hunt all living creatures, when in fact, he's actually committing murder. 7) The worst part is that Zaroff considers his hobby of hunting other humans amusing. 8) Another trait of Zaroff is that he is extremely manipulative. 9) In other words, he can get other people to do exactly what he wants them to do without that person realizing that he is getting brainwashed. 10) For example, the general pretends to be very civilized and generous thus, people start to trust Zaroff, but as soon as Zaroff's victims feel comfortable around him, he forces them to play his "game". 11) This usually ends up in death for General Zaroff's poor captives. 12) Therefore, we can see that the antagonist in the short story "The Most Dangerous Game" is not only sadistic and arrogant, but also manipulative.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Profitability, ROCE, Gross profit margin,Operating margin, Net profit Assignment

Profitability, ROCE, Gross profit margin,Operating margin, Net profit of British airways and Lufthansa - Assignment Example Therefore, return on capital employed ratio indicates the return generated by every investment made as capital employed. Concerning British airways, in 2012 and 2013, ROCE was 1.31% and 3.95% respectively. This means that in the year 2012, 1.31% of the company’s net profit was generated by the company’s capital employed. However, the company’s ROCE increased to 3.95 % in the year 2013 due to an increase in the net profit by  £ 197 million. ROCE can be used to determine the viability of a project. In order to maintain a higher level of ROCE, the company should improve its cost reduction strategies to increase the level of net profit. Comparatively, Lufthansa airways’ ROCE in the year 2012 and 2013 was 6.6% and 1.8 % respectively. The decrease in Lufthansa’s ROCE between the two years is attributed to a sharp decrease in the company’s net profit. this sharp decrease was caused by an increase in the operating activities. Therefore, in the year 2013, British airways had a higher ROCE than Lufthansa airways for the reason that Lufthansa airways had a higher proportion of net assets to net profit. Consequently, British airways’s net assets generated more returns than Lufthansa’s (Duncan 2009, pp. 42-44). Gross profit margin – the ratio indicates a company’s financial health after meeting the cost of sales. It also indicates the company’s ability to pay for future operating costs. Concerning British airways, the ratio for 2012 and 2013 are 95.8% and 96.2% respectively. This means that in the year 2013, 96.2 % of the total revenue were gross profit, whereas, the remaining 3.8% of sales were consumed by costs related to sales. The ratio increased compared to that of the previous year. The increase is attributed to a more than proportionate increase in the gross profit. From this analysis, it can be concluded that British airway’s level of production efficiency is high due to the effective management of cost related to sales. Comparatively, the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Picture Bride by Yoshiko Uchida Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Picture Bride by Yoshiko Uchida - Essay Example Government, fueled by the fears of terrorism, violated immigrant rights and even trampled on citizenship rights of Japanese-American citizens, confirming a long history of racial bias and discriminatory policies. The very title of the novel, Picture Bride, makes reference to the existent racism due to America’s anti-miscegenation laws and the recourse of Japanese bachelors to picture brides from their mother country. U.S anti-miscegenation laws effective since the mid-1800s barred interracial marriages of immigrants and slaves with Caucasian American women (Anti-Miscegenation Laws). As a consequence, Japanese immigrants choose to convey a wife from Japan to the U.S. Also, strong cultural traditions which obligated many Japanese to marry within their own ethnic group influenced marital decisions. These anti-interracial laws applied to all American minorities including Blacks, Indians, and Asians (Asian Americans and Anti-Miscegenation Statutes). Tacit segregation of Japanese an d white Americans is a sign of underlying discrimination in American society. In the novel, Kiku notes that â€Å"the fine white American ladies and gentlemen have their own stores† (Uchida 25). ... From early in the book, in 1917, racism already begins to rear its ugly head. Taro, a Japanese immigrant in America laments to his wife, Hana that â€Å"when the white men felt that we Asians were threatening their jobs, then words like ‘yellow peril’ began to appear in the newspapers and legislators began to discriminate against us† (Uchida 63). Feeling growing anxiety and insecurity about the American economy and stability of American jobs, Caucasian Americans complain about the influx of Japanese immigrants and the culture of picture brides. Although innocent of Japan’s actions during WWII, people of Japanese ancestry had to face further prejudice and violent racism because of the embattled times. Japanese in America were called the derogatory, ‘Japs.’ One white American called a Japanese, Henry Toda, just before he shot him, a â€Å"filthy, stinking Jap!† (Uchida 165). It is at this climactic point that things go even more awry among the Japanese resident in America. Clearly see that a differentiation was put between the Japanese identity and the American identity, for to be Japanese meant not being American. Patriotism descends to showing prejudice toward perceived common offenders. Not too long after, Japanese are forced to leave their homes because of suspicion of divided allegiance and anti-Americanism among them and consequently, the U.S government introduces the Presidential Executive Order 9066 in 1942 after the Pearl Harbor bombing in 1941. The Presidential Executive Order 9066 (1941) reflects the anti-Japanese sentiment prevalent in the early 20th century. Even the law of the land reinforces segregation, thus legalizing discrimination and racism. The irony of the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Identify the different Types of Charters available to contract a Assignment

Identify the different Types of Charters available to contract a vessel, and briefly explain the salient features of the different Types of Charters identified above - Assignment Example rouping of contract, a bare-boat charter, the vessel owner rents the intact platform, and the charterer has the liability of in service it as even though it were his possess ship. As the name entails, the bare ship is constricted. The vessel possessor has dispose of influence of the vessel in hold up of the phase together with this through the charter gathering.2 The charterer pays the intact operating expenditure petroleum, supplies, necessities, port dues, pilot age, and so on, as well as makes use of and pays the team. Though, there possibly will be a segment in the contract gathering that is the master and the leader engineer have to be accepted by means of the vessel proprietor. Party is an expected marine expression and is identical by means of agreement or contract. 3 Contract and charter are different kinds of agreement plan assignment choices which a supplier offers. User holds out vessel; user functions plan tasks. Unusually a second customer offers vessel; customers takes out suppliers teams program assignments and functions. Contractor performs plan assignments choices contractor offers. User performs vessel and functions plans missions it. Contractor achieves program turnkey.4 The charterer is accountable for the continuation, conservation, and security of the vessel. Previous to release to the charterer, the ship is inspected through representatives of mutually social gatherings and the similar is prepared on redelivery. The contracts parties’ will stipulate that the ship has to be redelivered in the similar high quality arrangement and situation as transported, by means of exemption of usual carry and shared. Contractor functions ship offers through customer choices and are differences by means of the particular differentiation bei ng that the customer, approximately entirely the centralized government, has offered the vessel. There are a number of varied reasons for this understanding. One is a end result of heaviness from office of management and

Article summary of Romer 2000 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary of Romer 2000 - Article Example In the light of recent advances, it is deemed that time has come to re-evaluate the suitability of using the model in analyzing short-run fluctuations for the undergraduates. In addressing the shortfalls of the IS-LM model, a new theory is essential. A new model that replaces the LM curve composed with its supposition that the central bank marks the currency stream and that the bank monitors the interest rate tenet. The new model avoids the impediments that sprout with IS-LM that comprises the real against the nominal interest proportion and inflation against the value level. It makes treatment of financial policy calmer by reduction of the worth of simultaneity, and by allowing growth to subtleties that are modest and rational. The IS-LM model describes the economy by the use of two relationships; the output and the interest rate. The output is about the goods in the market. It portends that a higher interest rate decreases the demand for goods at a specific income level. It reduces the output level until the quantity of output demands equals the production quantity. It is the IS curve. The other relationship is about the currency fair. It portends that the quantity of cash needed or the liquidity requirement escalates with income and depreciates with the rate of interest (Romer, p 151). The model adopts a fixed price worth and so incapable of analyzing inflation. To include inflation analysis, aggregate supply was incorporated which birthed the present IS-LM-AS model. It added the fact that greater output translates to steeper level of price. But was this model the best suited for analyzing current short-run fluctuations. The model assumed controversially that the level of price does not change and in time to disturbances. The model is found to be unreliable and impractical. To improve this is the IS-MP-IA model. The model uses an

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Warehouse Layout Planning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Warehouse Layout Planning - Research Paper Example The design of a warehouse should be capable of maximizing the utility of space while simultaneously allowing for sufficient circulation paths for both material handling equipment, for instance, forklift trucks and warehouse personnel. As a consequence, it is critical for warehouse planning and design to take advantage of height allowances through the use of higher bays. In order to facilitate flexibility in warehouse planning and design, it is vital to make use of alternative methods for handling material. These methods typically influence construction and planning aspects such as aisle widths, need for the inclusion of mezzanine space, egress design and lighting design (Christopher & Towill, 2001). Warehouses should typically be designed by taking into consideration both present and future needs in order to allow for changes in enterprise growth, size of warehouse spaces and population and size of the office. It is vital for warehouse space to be easily adaptable to fit varying func tions, for instance, office levels and computer centers. Effective site design accommodates the need for future loading docks, car parking spaces and truck space. In order to achieve this, enterprises need to address techniques for handling material and business practices, for instance, just-in-time storage. This involves the inclusion of roof designs with extra structural capacity that is built-in to facilitate the addition of supplementary rooftop equipment. In order to ensure that the future supplementary space is effective with regard to handling future material, the design should encompass fire protection capacities (Cormier & Gunn, 1992). This will allow for the accommodation of storage materials that have an increased level of fire hazard, particularly with regard of high plastic products. Flexibility can be built into warehouse design and planning to contain future changes through the implementation of scenario planning, which ultimately results enhanced flexibility. Scenari os can be constructed either through modeling or simulation to take into consideration a variety of situations through which the design flexibility can be assessed effectively. Such scenarios include, for instance, alternative growth anticipations, unusual peak provisions and alterations in order profiles. This typically requires the use of simulation tools that can prove effective. These simulation tools include general simulation packages adaptable for warehousing and specified warehousing simulation packages. These packages include some that can be purchased directly from suppliers and others available through equipment suppliers, suppliers of warehouse management systems and consultancies (Christopher & Towill, 2001). Since not all tools are applicable in all situations, it is critical that an enterprise adopts the appropriate simulation tool for its flexibility and future needs. For instance, a certain modeling simulation cannot offer accurate answers for certain projects, espe cially where the enterprise is experienced fundamental changes. Although scenario planning is effective, it is not an endeavor to forecast the future. This means that drawing scenarios that predict future events will prove ineffective in the long term since people’s perceptions typically influence what they consider as the reality. Predictions for the future

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Introducing Paulaner Beer in Indonesia (Demographics sections) Research Paper - 1

Introducing Paulaner Beer in Indonesia (Demographics sections) - Research Paper Example Muslim population, the issue of alcohol consumption in Indonesia has raised debates in the country for a long time with the current debate revolving on the possibility of banning alcoholic drinks in the country. Although the rate of alcohol consumption in the country remains relatively high, strong Islamic beliefs held by most Indonesians has made it difficult for investors to invest in alcoholic beverages. Consequently, most alcoholic beverages consumers in Indonesia are tourists. However, some Indonesian youths engage in alcohol drinking although this is mostly restricted to urban areas (Grant 98). The country’s ban on alcohol advertising on media would also mean that Paulaner has limited platform on which to market its products. As a way of regulating alcohol consumption, the government of Indonesia in 1990 banned alcohol advertising on media which has since made it difficult for new entries in the market to thrive. Other forms of alcohol advertising in the country are also governed by strict rules further making it difficult to reach new markets. Laws on certification on alcoholic products in Indonesia are also strict and can involve a long process before one gets a license. The country further classifies alcoholic beverages in the closed business field meaning that commercialization of any business related to alcoholic beverages is illegal (Grant 98). Consequently, businesses in this industry are restricted from expansion through investment. When the above factors combine, they present a significant challenge to any investor planning to invest the alcoholic beverages industry in Indonesia. Among the factors that might negatively impact on a business is poor quality products coupled with poor customer services. Equally detrimental is the effect of negative actions by an employee within a business more so when it comes to dealing with clients. Additionally, irresponsible financial management that includes ill-advised investment can also impact on a

Friday, August 23, 2019

Standardized testing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Standardized testing - Research Paper Example The method of standardized testing is unbiased and this is arguably its biggest pro. It does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race or religion. The standardized method of testing works well in indentifying the needs of underperformers and those who are succeeding. Specific programs can be developed for underperformers to make them excel. It is a good method in order to achieve proficiency. It can also help create a more transparent education system. Being fair to each and every student is very important and standardized testing proves to be a very effective system when it comes to being fair to students. Standardized testing is considered to be an unfair system by many. This is because it does not take into account the differences in students and each and every student is judged using the same guidelines. This seems to be unfair and unjust. It is very important to consider the differences in each student. Not everyone can be a monkey and accomplish the daunting task of climbing trees. Assessment and education are two very important topics. Standardized testing is a good way of imparting education but when it comes to assessment it fails on more forefronts than one. Standardized testing has had a positive effect on many students. They have achieved great success academically because of this method. It is also a very reliable way of measuring the achievements of students. At the same time many consider this method to be highly flawed. â€Å"After No Child Left Behind (NCLB) passed in 2002, the US slipped from 18th in the world in math on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) to 31st place in 2009, with a similar drop in science and no change in reading.† (Walker, Tim) Standardized testing is unfair to non-English speakers and there is hardly any doubt about this statement.  

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Coca Cola Essay Example for Free

Coca Cola Essay Organizations need to change and adopt dynamic survival strategies to stay alive in uncertain political, social and economic environment (Hiatt and Creasy, 2003). All environmental factors present in the nature experience change on continuous basis. Human nature resists change, so managing that resistance requires well planned change management strategies. A structured approach to transfer organization, its people and processes from current state to a desired future state is called change management. This process gives employees the ability to accept changes in the existing environment of the business. Change can be of different type for example, change in technology, operations or strategies etc. company needs to implement individual strategies to cope with each type of change. Coca Cola Corporation is among one of the oldest corporations of the world. It has gone through many internal and external changes since it has been in existence. The company has used techniques of change management in order to survive from the consequences of those events. Coca Cola is a type of company that requires making changes in its products and business strategies according to the consumer expectations and external environment. Here in this study we would quote different examples from coca cola corporation’s history and will examine that what were the triggering events for opting the change and what strategies the company developed and implemented in order to successfully going through the transitioning process. Coca Cola is a type of company that requires making changes in its products and business strategies according to the consumer expectations and external environment. Here in this study we would quote different examples from coca cola corporation’s history and will examine that what were the triggering events for opting the change and what strategies the company developed and implemented in order to successfully going through the transitioning process. It is a well known fact that Coca Cola Corporation is an entrepreneurial venture started by one person who bought the formula from another firm and laid foundations of that beverages manufacturing firm. Current structure of the coca cola company is simple with minimal labor and management division. New system that can be adopted by the company may be the â€Å"machine bureaucracy† which has been defined as an organization with clearly defined hierarchy, well defined area of operations, standard operating procedures, proper rules and regulations, well division of labor, formal relationships among the member of organization, centralized decision making, technical competence and standardization of work. The company has faced a lot of external changes, for example in world war II, the company was able to manage its existing position at that time and also entered in many new markets and discovered new niches. The company established 64 plants across the world to supply drinks to the troops (Coca Cola Company, 2006-2011). The company also provided free drinks to soldiers which were the part of its strategy to become a patriotic symbol for the people of the country. Also it boosted the sales, so the company achieved two objectives by carefully planning to respond to that external environmental change. The plants developed by the company in war era helped its expansion after the war. The recent change management at coca cola is directed towards the intrinsic values and motivations of the employees and can be referred to as ‘employee engagement’. The change management process, together with internal branding programs is expected to bring about ideal behaviors in employees, which would align the operations of coca cola worldwide, and bring about efficiency throughout coca cola across all its business segments. Coca Cola Company can use two change management tools to make sure that all people who are required to be the part of change management process. These tools are Force Field analysis and AKADAR model. Force field analysis is a technique developed by Kurt Lewin to scrutinize the forces that are causing an opposition to change process (Bass, 2009). By doing Force Field Analysis, Coca Cola Company will be able to induct people who are in need of appropriate training. Another useful tool is AKADAR model which stands for Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement. Through AKDAR model, firm creates awareness about the need of change, generate desire in the people to help in transitioning process, give knowledge to the people that how they can help the change process, develop an ability in the people to go through the change and provide them with continuous reinforcement to withstand the change (CMLR, 2011). Coca cola hopes to bring about a thoroughly integrated system of communications, and focus on creating brand relationships with their employees. This would enhance the operations of Coca cola, as an integrated approach would mean all employees believe in engaging fully in the values, and this would become an inherent part of the employees at a personal level. For this purpose, employee engagement surveys are conducted twice every year for all the coca cola associates, which serve to highlight the areas where action is required, and further actions and implementations can henceforth be executed. Employee engagement is very significant to all segments of operations at coca-cola and has translated into performance in areas where employee engagement is higher. For coca-cola, an engaged workforce means: A more committed workforce Employee performance aligned with organizational objectives Employees have a clear idea of what is expected of them and what are the deliverables Customer experience focuses an inherent part of employees’ values, who strives to provide a better experience to the customers. Customer focus was identified as a central tenant of the multi-year engagement strategy to be implemented in 2011(Gee, 2011) Change in inevitable. Therefore, the focus should not be on avoiding change, rather bringing about a smooth transition towards the new change by communication about the change, and ensuring all parties of the change that it is for the best of all those involved. To successfully implement organizational change of any nature, a specific regards to organizational structure, design, culture, management and leadership is required to see whether the change would make a best fit with the organizational goals and objectives. To conclude, it may be said that communication can be a key element to successful change management. Communicate the changes to the employees, tell them why the change was inevitable and how they will benefit from the change. The management should itself adopt a positive attitude towards the change so that employees can follow their lead and welcome the change. Coca-cola as a company has a heritage of embracing change rather than resist it and it should translate into their future endeavors towards change management to ensure that the organization is best poised to market and environmental conditions.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Heart of Darkness Essay Example for Free

Heart of Darkness Essay Kurtz is the man who Marlow searches for through the Congo. Marlows search develops into an obsession and when the search has ended, he only finds a shadow of a man that was once Kurtz. Kurtz was a man who had achieved great things in his life, inspiring each person he had come across and was expected to accomplish more. He came into the Congo with great plans for civilizing the natives, however he became greedy, which ended up being the subject of his own demise. I had immense plans I was on the threshold of great things. Kurtzs main characteristics were his ability to talk passionately to people and inspire them with his words. He had a charisma that made people feel that he was some kind of a genius. Kurtz was a very talented human being, gifted in many areas. He could not be pinned down to a specific talent. He was seen as a great musician to his cousin that Marlow visits, a brilliant politician and leader of men to the journalist and a genius and humanitarian to his intended. Marlow views him as a universal genius. Kurtz is a round character, who is explored deeply and at times, almost to deep. He is neither the protagonist nor the antagonist, but he is a complex main character within the novel. In places where Kurtz is described, there is imagery of darkness and foreboding evil. Kurtz was an exaggeration of the white people who had come to Africa for money. Kurtzs greed for ivory became extreme and even made him violent and aggressive. He was the idea of the self-made man that was the American dream. It was thought that any man could travel and be wealthy materially and spiritually. He was living that dream for a while, before it swallowed him whole. His ego inflated and he believed himself to be a superior being such as God. He let himself be worshipped among the natives and encircled himself with darkness and evil. Hence, his ideals had changed from his journey through Africa. And he soon became one of the natives. Releasing himself from civilization and restraint. When Marlow finally reached Kurtz, Kurtz had become hollow. Kurtz had reached insanity. He was no longer the great man he had once been. He was hollow at the core. Through conversing with the natives and immersing himself with them, Kurtz lost his restraint, which he had learned through civilization. By taking part in native ceremonial gatherings, he had lost his soul and he had succumbed to darkness. How many powers of darkness claimed him for their own. The reason for his behaviour was his greed for ivory. He gave up his soul only for the sole purpose of money and success. However, his actions are justified as Marlow expresses that leaving a man in a jungle with nothing but himself and the desire to make money, will make him go mad. Without restraint from his own culture, Kurtzs basic instincts were released. Kurtzs appearance had dramatically altered as well. He was extremely thin and had a baldhead; he had also lost the ability to walk. From being a God to the natives, he soon comes to despise them. He sees them as rebels, which is why he has stuck heads on sticks outside his hut. Exterminate the brutes In the end, Kurtz dies just after he has come to realize that he has become the heart of darkness. He is an embodiment of evil and he highlights this by saying, The horror! The horror! Kurtz was an imperialist who was a symbol of colonization, and a symbol of the jungle.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Human Resource Management Chinese Restaurant

Human Resource Management Chinese Restaurant The people aspects comprise an integral element when setting up a new business. The component relate to the decisions and considerations on what kind of a workforce would be appropriate for a particular kind of business, where it should be sought from and how it should be hired. Cognisant of the centrality of staff to the success of a business therefore, it would be important for Vivienne and her brothers who intend to set up a Chinese restaurant in Newcastle to cautiously approach the people aspects of their business otherwise they would be risking failure of the restaurant. Based on the key facts presented in the scenario, this paper seeks to explore the steps that Vivienne and her partners ought to follow in recruiting staff for the restaurant, where they should attract the desired employees from, how they should design the jobs at the restaurant and the legal considerations they should take into account. Key facts in the scenario The trio, Vivienne, Walter and Stephen have agreed on the type of restaurant they intend to set up; in essence, a Chinese restaurant with excellent seafood as its specialty and that incorporates Hong Kong style dumplings and yum cha. Another key issue is that the trio want the restaurant to be renowned for professional service; a milestone which they seek to achieve by attracting and recruiting members of staff who are efficient, knowledgeable and friendly. The trio is also interested in staff members who will be a little bit hip so as to draw youthful patrons and also attract families. It is also discernible that the trio intends to create a restaurant that will offer great value for money to the targeted clientele by the virtue of providing great service and great food. Another fact is that the business would need decor preferably Chinese for it to effectively bring out the desired Chinese restaurant image. This would however not be complete without being complemented by hiring of a vibrant team of young and female Chinese wait staff. Another relevant piece of information is Viviennes pertinent educational background in hospitality and human resource management as well as her brothers knowhow in accounting and law, knowledge that will be handy in not only addressing the people aspects of the investment but also the related legal and financial issues. Viviennes interest in cooking and diverse knowledge in recipes and food will also be useful in helping identify and recruit the most suitable and qualified chef for the restaurant. Steps that Vivienne and her brothers should take to successfully fill the jobs in their new restaurant The first step that they should take is competency profiling. The step would entail an analysis and determination of specific competencies including knowledge, attitudes, behaviours and skills that the staff for their new restaurant should possess for them to be effective in service delivery (Morrissey, Compton, Nankervis, 2014). These may include openness to customer input or suggestions, training in food safety, friendly and patient, excellent people skills, functional familiarity with ordering information systems and the cash register, excellent planning and customer-oriented skills, good interpersonal skills with both customers and colleagues, proven hands-on experience, hands-on problem solving skills, youthful and in excellent physical condition. Having identified the requisite competencies, the next step should be attraction of the desired employees based on the identified competencies. The recruitment process should take the form of job adverts encouraging individuals of Chinese descent who possess the requisite qualifications to apply for employment in large numbers at the restaurant. The next step should entail initial screening of the applications received and final selection of the most qualified persons for the wait staff, server and chef positions. It is however imperative that the recruitment, screening and selection processes are undertaken systematically and relevant aptitude, attainment and ability tests applied to eliminate bias and ensure only candidates who are suitable are hired to fill the available positions (Nankervis, Baird, Shields, Coffey, 2017). It is also crucial that the final selection process if varied based on the specific position being filled to ensure the pertinent requirements particular to th e job are thoroughly addressed (Nankervis et al, 2017). Where the employees should be sourced from The employees for the new Chinese restaurant should be sourced from China Town. By targeting this locality, the trio would be able to attract the most appropriate passionate young and female Chinese staff for the job. Their parents expansive network in the expansive Chinese hospitality community in Sydney would also be integral in helping tap into the rich human resource at the disposal of the community. The trio should also seek to attract and recruit from the Chinese community living in and around the Newcastle neighbourhood. This would be important in that it would help give the restaurant a more local feel to the target clientele living in the region thus lessening the likelihood of the establishment being viewed as foreign and out of touch with the tastes and preference of both the overseas students and the Chinese people living in the town. By targeting these localities as the source of employees, the new restaurant will be assured of staffs that are familiar with the intricacies of the local Chinese hospitality industry. This will enable the restaurant to run its operation in manner that enables it to compete effectively with other rival establishments. The course will also ensure recruitment of individuals who are familiar with the various menu options of Chinese restaurants thus guaranteeing the ability of the staff to present an array of menu alternatives the customers. Recruiting from the Australian Chinese community will also have the unique advantage of providing access to employees who are conversant with both the English and Chinese dialects which will augment the ability of the staff to establish relationships with customers, take orders, advice on best drink and food options as well as respond to and effectively address customer queries. Legal concerns worth considering When recruiting employees for the new Chinese restaurant the most outstanding legal issue that should be put into consideration relates to discrimination (Morrissey, Compton, Nankervis, 2014). The fact that the trio prefers Chinese waiters and mostly female and young could comprise a basis for discriminatory recruitment practices claims by those who may feel segregated by the specifications. In this respect, should the trio put out an advertisement for the positions specifying being Chinese or having Chinese roots as a condition of employment at the restaurant, they would risk being accused of unlawfully discriminating against persons based on their ethnicity. As a secular establishment, the new Chinese restaurant would have no legal rights to segregate against people on any basis and could thus the losing party should such proceedings be brought against it by an aggrieved entity. To address the legal concern, the trio should strive to put out job advertisements that would communicate to the intended audience the preference for Chinese candidates in a manner that is lawful. In this regard, the trio should desist from directly rejecting applications from individuals of other ethnicities and races by incorporating in the advertisement the requirement that the applicants should be knowledgeable in Chinese menu options, mannerisms and food culture. Application of the preference in this manner would help make the job advertisement non-discriminatory and thus eliminate the legal risk of the business being perceived as engaging in discriminatory recruitment practices (Morrissey, Compton, Nankervis, 2014). Ways in which the jobs should be designed to make them as interesting and challenging as possible To begin with, the trio of Vivienne and her two brothers should seek to achieve a tight fit between people aspects and business strategy (Compton Morrissey, 2001). This can be achieved through linking of the recruited employees and their roles with the strategic needs of the restaurant to ensure efforts by the staff contribute directly to the growth of the business. However, the approach could prove indifferent to the interests of the staff and hence care should be taken to dampen down the negative undesired effects (Budhwar Aryee, n.d.). Remedial measures including efforts to enhance the businesss skills inventory and encourage innovativeness with a view to improve the overall competitiveness of the restaurant business should be adopted (Snell, Shadur, Wright, 2000). The measures would be critical in averting situations where the business may become misfitted to the extremely dynamic business environment of today by ensuring its flexibility and ability to adapt to the necessary c hanges in the industry. In addition, the trio should provide opportunities for growth for their employees. This could be achieved by encouraging them to be proactive in problem solving vis-a-vis the day to day challenges that characterise the restaurant business. This would see the employees become more involved in efforts to enhance and nurture the reputation of the business as well as reorient their focus towards ensuring customer satisfaction. In effect, this would help make the jobs of the employees both interesting and challenging thus impacting positively on their motivation and overall job satisfaction as well as averting employee turnover (Nankervis, Baird, Shields, Coffey, 2017). References list Budhwar, P., Aryee, S. (n.d.). Chapter 1: An Introduction to Strategic Human Resource Management. Retrieved from Compton, R. L., Morrissey, B. (2001). Strategic Human Resource Management Beyond the rhetoric. Keeping Good Companies, 176-178. Morrissey, B., Compton, R. L., Nankervis, A. R. (2014). Effective Recruitment and Selection Practices (6th ed.). Sydney: Oxford University Press. Nankervis, A., Baird, M., Shields, J., Coffey, J. (2017). Human Resource Management: Strategy and Practice (9th ed.). South Melbourne: Cengage Learning. Snell, S. A., Shadur, M. A., Wright, P. M. (2000). Human Resources Strategy: The Era of Our Ways (CAHRS Working Paper #00-17). Ithaca, NY: CAHRS/Cornell University.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Underground Railroad :: essays research papers

The Underground Railroad One of the most shameful periods in history was the institution of slavery in the nineteenth century 2. Slavery was a divided issue in the 1800’s. Most slaves brought to America were known as low class people who could bring no good, but history fails to state that many of the slaves who came were people of many trades, ambitions, as well as determinations. The Underground Railroad had its earliest beginnings with runaway slaves fleeing from the Southern United States into Canada. By confronting human bondage without direct demands or violence, the Underground Railroad played a definite role in the destruction of slavery. The Underground Railroad was a term used to describe a network of people who helped escaped slaves on their way to freedom. Supposedly, the term Underground Railroad originated when an enslaved runaway, Tice Davids, fled from Kentucky and may have taken refuge with John Rankin, a White abolitionist, in Ripley, Ohio. Determined to retrieve his property, the owner chased Davids to the Ohio River, but Davids suddenly disappeared without a trace, leaving his owner confused and wondering if the slave had "gone off on some underground road." The Railroad was begun as a result of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 2. The Fugitive Slave Act demanded that if an escaped slave was sighted, he or she must be turned in and sent back to the rightful owner 2. The Nation grew divided on the slavery question. The Fugitive Slave Law called for the return of bonded and indentured runaways, as well as freed African Americans. This threatened the protection of the freed slaves. Many North American indentured slaves were freed after they had served their time after five to seven years 6. Most runaways were males, however women and children did escape. Their numbers were smaller because they were more likely to be captured. Yet, The Underground Railroad became the most dramatic protest action against slavery in United States history 2. The Railroad helped escaped slaves make their way from the Southern states through the northern states, into freedom. The Underground Railroad was operating in America, yet it was not a railroad and was not underground. This â€Å"railroad† was for blacks escaping from slavery in the South. They were escaping to the free North, and to Canada where there was no slavery at all. The Underground Railroad lacked in formal organization, relying on individuals or various groups. The Underground Railroad :: essays research papers The Underground Railroad One of the most shameful periods in history was the institution of slavery in the nineteenth century 2. Slavery was a divided issue in the 1800’s. Most slaves brought to America were known as low class people who could bring no good, but history fails to state that many of the slaves who came were people of many trades, ambitions, as well as determinations. The Underground Railroad had its earliest beginnings with runaway slaves fleeing from the Southern United States into Canada. By confronting human bondage without direct demands or violence, the Underground Railroad played a definite role in the destruction of slavery. The Underground Railroad was a term used to describe a network of people who helped escaped slaves on their way to freedom. Supposedly, the term Underground Railroad originated when an enslaved runaway, Tice Davids, fled from Kentucky and may have taken refuge with John Rankin, a White abolitionist, in Ripley, Ohio. Determined to retrieve his property, the owner chased Davids to the Ohio River, but Davids suddenly disappeared without a trace, leaving his owner confused and wondering if the slave had "gone off on some underground road." The Railroad was begun as a result of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 2. The Fugitive Slave Act demanded that if an escaped slave was sighted, he or she must be turned in and sent back to the rightful owner 2. The Nation grew divided on the slavery question. The Fugitive Slave Law called for the return of bonded and indentured runaways, as well as freed African Americans. This threatened the protection of the freed slaves. Many North American indentured slaves were freed after they had served their time after five to seven years 6. Most runaways were males, however women and children did escape. Their numbers were smaller because they were more likely to be captured. Yet, The Underground Railroad became the most dramatic protest action against slavery in United States history 2. The Railroad helped escaped slaves make their way from the Southern states through the northern states, into freedom. The Underground Railroad was operating in America, yet it was not a railroad and was not underground. This â€Å"railroad† was for blacks escaping from slavery in the South. They were escaping to the free North, and to Canada where there was no slavery at all. The Underground Railroad lacked in formal organization, relying on individuals or various groups.

Jay Gatsby of The Great Gatsby Essay -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

â€Å"A man’s dreams are an index to his greatness† -Zadok Rabinwitz Jay Gatsby lives for his dreams. His dedication to making his dreams a reality, self-made fortune and social prestige, and the unquestionable love for Daisy Buchanan result in Jay Gatsby’s greatness. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby, one can determine the world’s view of what greatness truly is. Jay Gatsby is not born great, nor is greatness thrust upon him, but he achieved greatness. Jay Gatsby represents the American Dream: life, loyalty, and the pursuit of happiness. Jay Gatsby dedicates his life to make his hopes and desires real. Jay Gatsby started his life out in the mid-west, as an ordinary, lower class citizen. However, Jay Gatsby did not grow up as Jay Gatsby, but as James Gatz, a Jewish boy. â€Å"James Gatsby- that was really or at least legally, his name† (Fitzgerald 98). He worked for over a year along the shore of Lake Superior. Once he saw Dan Cody’s yacht anchored off shore, he knew that life in the small mid-west town was not for him, he had bigger and better plans for his life. Dan Cody was much older than Gatsby, and he made his wealth from the silver fields of Nevada and the Yukon and every metal since the late 1800s. â€Å"Cody was fifty years old then, a product of the Nevada silver fields, of the Yukon, and every rush of metal since seventy-five. The transactions in Montana coppers that made him many times a millionaire found him physically robust, but on the verge of soft-mindedness, and, suspecting this, an infinite number of women tried to separate him from his money† (Fitzgerald 98). Gatsby knew that having a contiguous relationship with Cody was his chance to make all his dreams come into existence. Gatsby he rowed his boat ... ...m just for a minute, when they were first married—and loved me more even then, do you see?† (Fitzgerald 152). However, Gatsby and Daisy’s feigned relationship went into asunder. Gatsby misconceives Daisy’s love for him, Daisy does not equally love Gatsby as he does her. Daisy chooses to stay with Tom Buchanan, her peremptory husband, for her own security. Gatsby’s greatness resides with his dreams. He pursues the things he hopes, longs, and desires for. Jay Gatsby held onto his dreams, and held on to them as long as it took to make them into reality. Nick saw the greatness in Gatsby â€Å"They’re a rotten crowd. You’re worth the whole damn bunch put together† (Fitzgerald 154). Jay Gatsby represents those who take life extract a greater meaning from it and lives for a purpose. Works Cited Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Macmillan, 1992.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Comparing Dickenss View of Children in David Copperfield and Great Exp

Dickens's View of Children Exposed in David Copperfield and Great Expectations      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Of all Dickens' works, David Copperfield and Great Expectations are considered to be his most autobiographical.   Philip Collins writes, "Great Expectations, indeed, though overtly less autobiographical than David Copperfield, is a more searching and self-critical account of Dickens' own inner impulses" (178).   It is also true that both of these novels have children   as main characters.   Dickens had a real talent for creating child characters in his works.   In some cases, Dickens' own life history is so closely linked with his fiction, that in order to understand Dickens' interest in the child character, it is critical to be familiar with the major events of his life, as well as how he viewed childhood in general.    Charles Dickens was born February 7, 1812, in Portsmouth, to middle class parents.   He was the second child, and the first son, of eight children.   His father, John Dickens, was an Admiralty clerk.   He made a reasonable amount of money but was poor in handling his financial endeavors.   In 1824, when the family plunged into debt, John was sent to debtors' prison at Marshalsea Prison.   Charles, at age twelve, was sent to a Warren's Blacking House, to manufacture shoe polish.   In The Man Charles Dickens, Edward Wagenknect looks at how Charles' experience with the blacking house had a deep impact on him:    Charles seems to have been at this time, abnormally sensitive with some dim prescience of what was in store for him, and he suffered terribly, not only from his uncomfortable surroundings, but even more from the consciousness that he was getting no opportunity to develop his capacities and -... ...t drawn to portraying children beset by suffering and evil" (117).   Dickens also created these characters to testify to the mistreatment of children in Victorian society.   Due to his success as an author, Dickens, in many ways, successfully took up the plight of children by creating characters that dew attention and sympathy from his readers.   In his works he gave children a voice that they desperately needed, yet never had before.    Works Cited Andrews, Malcolm.   Dickens and the Grown-up Child.   Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 1994. Collins, Philip.   Dickens and Education.   New York: St. Martin's P, 1964. Rawlins, Jack P. "Great Expectations: Dickens and the Betrayal of the Child." Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900. 23 (1983): 667-683. Tomlin, R.W.F., ed. Charles Dickens 1812-1870. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1969.    Comparing Dickens's View of Children in David Copperfield and Great Exp Dickens's View of Children Exposed in David Copperfield and Great Expectations      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Of all Dickens' works, David Copperfield and Great Expectations are considered to be his most autobiographical.   Philip Collins writes, "Great Expectations, indeed, though overtly less autobiographical than David Copperfield, is a more searching and self-critical account of Dickens' own inner impulses" (178).   It is also true that both of these novels have children   as main characters.   Dickens had a real talent for creating child characters in his works.   In some cases, Dickens' own life history is so closely linked with his fiction, that in order to understand Dickens' interest in the child character, it is critical to be familiar with the major events of his life, as well as how he viewed childhood in general.    Charles Dickens was born February 7, 1812, in Portsmouth, to middle class parents.   He was the second child, and the first son, of eight children.   His father, John Dickens, was an Admiralty clerk.   He made a reasonable amount of money but was poor in handling his financial endeavors.   In 1824, when the family plunged into debt, John was sent to debtors' prison at Marshalsea Prison.   Charles, at age twelve, was sent to a Warren's Blacking House, to manufacture shoe polish.   In The Man Charles Dickens, Edward Wagenknect looks at how Charles' experience with the blacking house had a deep impact on him:    Charles seems to have been at this time, abnormally sensitive with some dim prescience of what was in store for him, and he suffered terribly, not only from his uncomfortable surroundings, but even more from the consciousness that he was getting no opportunity to develop his capacities and -... ...t drawn to portraying children beset by suffering and evil" (117).   Dickens also created these characters to testify to the mistreatment of children in Victorian society.   Due to his success as an author, Dickens, in many ways, successfully took up the plight of children by creating characters that dew attention and sympathy from his readers.   In his works he gave children a voice that they desperately needed, yet never had before.    Works Cited Andrews, Malcolm.   Dickens and the Grown-up Child.   Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 1994. Collins, Philip.   Dickens and Education.   New York: St. Martin's P, 1964. Rawlins, Jack P. "Great Expectations: Dickens and the Betrayal of the Child." Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900. 23 (1983): 667-683. Tomlin, R.W.F., ed. Charles Dickens 1812-1870. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1969.   

Saturday, August 17, 2019


Literary Analysis In The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingfisher there are many different relationships between characters. Some are more important to the story, like the relationship that Taylor and Turtle share. Other characters that develop relationships are Taylor and Lou Ann, and Taylor and her mother, Alice. All of these relationships are also very symbiotic because the people rely on each other, without each other they would have much different lives. The author shows how Taylor grows through her relationships and the dependence they have on one another.Another important relationship that we see in The Bean Trees is the relationship between Taylor and her mother, Alice. Alice Is a single mother who raises Taylor on her own until Taylor Is old enough to move out of town. I believe that her mother serves as a role model for all of the other future women throughout the book. She raised Taylor as a confident young woman who would not be held back. Tailor's father, Foster, left her and h er mother before she was born, but Alice still has a very positive outlook on life.She tells her daughter that â€Å"trading Foster for you was the best deal this side of the Jackson Purchase† (6). She shows Taylor that she does not need her father, Foster, to love life because she has her. Love and support is found in this relationship especially from Alice to Taylor. Taylor says, â€Å"There were two things about Mama. One is she always expected the best out of me. And the other is that no matter what I did, whatever I came home with, she acted like it was the moon I had just hung up in the sky and plugged in all the stars† (13).Alice really motivated Taylor as her mother to go far In life and would praise her to let her know she is doing well. Since they had this strong mother and daughter relationship, Taylor has the courage o leave Pitman to escape motherhood and become the best person she could be, for her mother and herself. Taylor Greer, the main character, lef t her home in Kentucky to avoid becoming pregnant and being a young mother like every other girl. This seems ironic because as soon as she leaves, she is given a baby from an Indian lady.She names the baby girl Turtle. Besides the relationship that Taylor had with her mother, she never had anyone depend on her. The relationship between Taylor and Turtle is the first example of dependence in the story. I believe that Turtle was given to Taylor to present the importance in relationships because the baby is fully depending on Taylor to take care of her. Also, I think there was a reason that she names the baby Turtle. Taylor says you're like a mud turtle. If a mud turtle bites you, it won't let go till it thunders† (22).This quote Is showing that Turtle does not let go of Taylor easily and this also shows that the relationship between them Is growing stronger. Turtle trusts her and Is starting to look at her Like a mother figure. When Taylor got to a motel with the baby she wrote to her mother, â€Å"l found my rights, Mama. They're coming with he may not be able to be the best provider. She sees Turtle as a â€Å"right† or something that she now has ownership of. When Taylor moves to Tucson she meets and moves in with Lou Ann, a single mother, who now Taylor depends on.They end up helping each other along with life and act like one family with their children. In the beginning, Taylor acted as if she did not want them to act like family, â€Å"Lou Ann, I moved in here because I knew we'd get along. It's nice of you to make dinner for us all, and to take care of Turtle sometimes, and I know you mean well it's not like we're a family, for Chrism's sake. You've got your own life to live, and Vive got mine. You don't have to do all of this stuff for me† (85).This shows that Taylor might feel uneasy to depend on somebody else at the time, even though she knew she needed help. When she starts to realize this, she thinks, â€Å"We had worked things out: I cooked on weekends, and also on any week night that Lou Ann had kept Turtle she would do the vacuuming† (107). Taylor says move got your own life to live and Vive got mine† meaning they are not going to get involved with each other's lives. In the second quote, it shows that they are beginning o work together on living and would make each other dinner or help clean.Lou Ann would also have Turtle for the night while Taylor rested. As much as she did not want to admit it, Tailor's relationship grew with Lou Ann and she became much more dependent on her. The relationships in the book between Taylor and Turtle, Lou Ann and Taylor, and Taylor and her mother are all significant to show that dependence is a major theme in The Bean Trees. Barbara Kingfisher uses relationships to show dependence in order to say to the world that you cannot get through life without guidance or having someone's shoulder to lean on.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Child and Young Person Development Essay

†¢Schools/starting nursery is a part of everyday life the child/ young person will have to make this transition many times in their life. The transition that most children/ young people experience is moving from one school or care setting to another will happen a number of times over a child’s life for many different reasons and the challenges of the transition will change each time and will have to be handled in different way. †¢Toilet training is a big step for most children/ young people as they have to learn to read their own body signals and to understand what they should do at this point. †¢Sibling. It is common for children to have younger brothers and sister and they will have to learn to deal with the transition of having a baby in the house. †¢A parent starting a new job or doing more hours at work so the parent is not around when the child expects them to be or may not understand where the parent is going. †¢Moving house to accommodate a growing family or due to parent separation/ loss there are many other reason to move house also all of which with effect the transition progress of the child differently †¢ Separations/ divorce can be very difficult on children and young people of all ages as it can lead to many other transitions that take place moving house changing schools feeling of loss and confusion all of which can be very difficult for a young person to understand and cope with. †¢Puberty can be very difficult for some young people to cope with the mood swings, confident issues or low self -esteem, how the body changes, how it can affect their relationships with others and how others may see them. Children and young people mostly learn to cope with a number of different changes or transition in their life time and they will develop their own ways of dealing with the transitions, children and young people will still need to helped and guided

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Psychology and Behavior

1. Abstract The research area is classroom management, and specifically dealing with student’s behavior problems in a real classroom situation. It is universally recognized that the teacher is the key person in an education system and a well-managed classroom can provide an exciting and dynamic learning experience for everyone involved. The main objective of the research is to identify approaches for managing student behavior in order to apply valuable ways to achieve effective and positive classroom management.The present research was cross-sectional, and researcher used this type of research because it can be both qualitative and quantitative. Researcher hence endeavors to collect information from a smaller group or subset of the population in such a way that knowledge gained is representative of total population of the study. 2. Introduction Statement of the research is â€Å"Student Behavior Problems† The present research was cross-sectional as the researcher focuse d on one particular point. The major advantage of cross-sectional research is that data can be collected from different type of people in a short time period.The researcher used this type of research because it can be both qualitative and quantitative. The Researcher used non-probability sampling for this study. The sampling framework which suited the research was convenience sampling. The researcher used the questionnaire survey and classroom observation as research tool. 2. 1. Research Problem How should a teacher deals with students’ behavior problems in a practical classroom situation? 2. 2. Sampling Detail When defining the population upon which the research is to be focused, the researcher must take sampling decisions in the overall planning of the research.Due to the factors of expense, time and accessibility it may not be possible or practical to obtain measures from a population. Researchers, hence endeavor to collect information from a smaller group or subset of the population in such a way that knowledge gained is representative of total population of the study. The Researcher used non-probability sampling for this study. The sampling framework which suited the research was convenience sampling. It involves the nearest convenient individuals to serve as respondents and continuing the process until the required sample size has been obtained.Non-probability sampling is best suited for a small scale survey. It’s far less complicated to set up, less expensive and adequate if researchers don’t intend to generalize the findings beyond the sample in question. The researcher visited 5 English medium schools for questionnaire survey and classroom observation, which were located in urban area of Lahore city. All the schools were private and all girls’ institutions. The researcher observed the students of Grade 7th in the real classroom situation and tried to assess the ways teachers can control/minimize misbehavior in their classro oms.The total number of sample population was 60 students. Age of the students was 12-13 years old. Next chapter talks about the literature review. 3. Literature Review 3. 1. What Is Classroom Management? Classroom management is a term used by teachers to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by students. The term also implies the prevention of disruptive behavior. It is possibly the most difficult aspect of teaching for many teachers and indeed experiencing problems in this area causes some to leave teaching altogether. Canter. 1997) Teachers feel overwhelmed and â€Å"powerless† in dealing with behavior problems in their classrooms. Canter (1997) pointed out that in the past, a simple stem look or warning was sufficient to shape up a classroom. â€Å"Misbehavior,† as Doyle contends, â€Å"is any action by one or more students that threatens to disrupt the activity flow or pull the class toward a program of a ction that threatens the safety of the group or violates norm of appropriate classroom behavior held by the teacher, the students, or the school's staff† (Doyle, 1986; p. 396). 3. . The Emphasis in Classroom Management 3. 3. Influences on Classroom Management: According to Emmer and Stough (2001), some studies have used student achievement or attitude as outcomes. But most classroom management research today has been concerned with identifying how teachers bring about student engagement with each other and limit the disruptions in the classroom. The following account will summarize the work of some important behavior theorists and in turn will identify the influences that each has made on classroom behavior and management. 3. 3. 1.Burrhus Frederick Skinner Burrhus Frederick Skinner's philosophies can be related to the issue of classroom management. Skinner (Sprinthall, 1981) emphasized his research on how the organism learns, regardless of its inherited potential, regardless o f its stage of physical or psychological development, and often regardless of its species. In regards to the classroom, Skinner (Conte, 1994) stated that by rewarding students for good behavior and ignoring or punishing wrong behavior, students would come to understand how to behave in a classroom environment. . 3. 2. William Glasser Glasser's Reality Therapy (Emmer and Stough, 2001) stressed the use of choice as the cause of behavior, good or bad, and thus instructed teachers to direct students towards making value judgments about their behavior. By making value judgments, students would come to realize the importance of â€Å"good† choices in behavior and continue to make them again in the future. Therefore, students were taught the difference between a â€Å"good judgment†, and a â€Å"bad judgment.In today's classrooms, rewards are given for â€Å"good choices† and consequences are given for â€Å"bad choices†. This process t is used to promote good behavior and diminish bad behavior in the classroom. 3. 3. 3. Jacob Kounin Jacob Kounin and his colleagues engaged in substantial classroom management research. His work focused on determining whether specific behavior settings and environmental conditions influenced behavior. He also identified a set of teacher behaviors and lesson characteristics, including, wittiness, smoothness, momentum, overlapping and group alerting.These characteristics would describe a teacher who knew what was going on at all times in the classroom and was able to deal with more than one issue or problem at a time. Kounin (Conte, 1994) thought teachers who could be that â€Å"aware† would be better managers of children in the classroom. 3. 3. 4. Abraham H. Maslow Maslow's research on hierarchy of needs has also influenced effective classroom management. Helping students meet their own needs is of the utmost importance to enhance student learning opportunities and to maintain teacher longevity in the classroom.Maslow (as cited in Sprinthall, 1981, p. 327) an important psychologist in the area of motivation theory, has suggested that there is a definite order in which individuals attempt to satisfy their needs. Maslow had declared there is an â€Å"order-of-importance† that is universal among all humans. Herbert Grossman (Gordon, 2001) recaps students' basic needs and the order which those needs must be met to produce well balanced members of society. 3. 4. Role of Teacher as Classroom Manager:According to Honeyford (1982) a major limiting factor in any classroom is the teacher; not only do his character, personality and competence play a large part in determining the atmosphere of the lesson, the sort of relationships which exist, the styles of communication and the rules and regulations governing the formalities, but the teacher also performs a key role in influencing the pupils’ view of himself and the sort of progress he/she makes. Successful classroom manageme nt has been defined as producing a high rate of work involvement with a low rate of deviancy in academic settings (Laslett and Smith, 1984).Well-managed classrooms did not result from magic, but that carefully established and maintained procedures should be at work (Sadker and Sadker, 1997). 3. 4. 1. Time management skill Academic learning time in the classroom has emerged as an important variable. Studies have shown that the amount of on-task behavior can vary as much as 40 percent from one classroom to the next. Even how quickly a teacher calls the class to order can vary all the way from one to ten minutes. Thus, how fficiently you have your lessons, how long you take to get started, how you handle digressions, off-task behavior, discipline and how you handle transitions will have an effect on student learning(Walberg,1988). 3. 4. 2. Seating arrangement Arrangements of space and furniture in ways that bunch students together or obstruct the teacher’s view make it more diff icult for a teacher to detect behavior task initiations early (Duke and Rehage, 1979). Seating arrangement must depend on the type of lesson to be taught, and the type of classroom furniture.Proper arrangement of furniture also contributes to the functionality of classrooms. Furniture is arranged so that students are oriented to the primary source or sources of information (e. g. , the teacher, audio-visual materials), while at the same time having access to other sources of activities (e. g. , work areas, computers) without disturbing in the classroom (Nitsaisook and Anderson, 1989). According to Anderson (1991) desks, chairs and tables can be arranged in a variety of ways; light and temperature can be increased or decreased. 3. 4. 3. Discipline in the classroomCallahan (1996) asserts that the best classroom environment is one that results in efficient learning. Discipline involves employing guidance and teaching techniques to encourage students to become self directive and thus to create an atmosphere conducive to learning. A teacher establishes classroom rules either with his or her students or before the school year begins. Rules are best if they are few in number, simple and easy to understand, and fair. Also rules should be posted in the classroom for all to see, and the teacher should go over the rules on the first day of school. 3. 4. 4.Dealing with disruptive students In order to handle misbehaving student, the following suggestions may prove helpful: †¢Deal with the present, current problem immediately, not with the past instances of the student misbehavior. †¢Talk to the student directly, instead of talking about him with others. †¢Don’t be harsh and provoked. Stay calm and address firmly. Anger, empty threats and physical handling must be avoided. †¢If the student’s misbehavior is impeding the teacher in teaching, â€Å"1statements† be used by explaining to the student why you are upset by his behavior. 3. 4 . 5. Exhibit Assertive BehaviorAssertive behavior differs significantly from both passive behavior and aggressive behavior. This researcher Emmer elaborates that teacher’s display assertive behavior in the classroom when they: †¢Use assertive body language by maintaining an erect posture, facing the offending student but keeping enough distance so as not to appear threatening and matching the facial expression with the content of the message being presented to students. †¢Use an appropriate tone of voice, speaking clearly and deliberately in a pitch that is slightly but not greatly elevated from normal classroom speech, avoiding any display of emotions in the voice. Persist until students respond with the appropriate behavior. Do not ignore an inappropriate behavior; do not be diverted by a student denying, arguing, or blaming, but listen to legitimate explanations. 3. 5. Addressing Problematic Student Behavior Reports of problematic behaviors are on the rise nation ally in Pakistan, not only in the classroom but in society at large (Kowalski, 2003). Some of these immature, irritating, or thoughtless behaviors or â€Å"classroom incivilities† include: †¢Lateness or leaving early †¢Side conversations †¢Disregard for deadlines Grade grubbing †¢Sniping remarks †¢Cheating These behaviors are not just instructors’ pet peeves; they have real costs including: †¢Distracting other students and instructor in class †¢Reducing student participation †¢Lowering other students' and instructor’s motivation in or out of class †¢Affecting fairness in grading †¢Using instructor time unproductively †¢Feeling disrespected as a fellow learner or authority figure 3. 6. Possible Causes: In order to limit or deal effectively with these behaviors, it is important to understand the factors that cause or facilitate them. . 6. 1. Attention Dreikurs believed that most students start misbehaving by s eeking attention, and when this fails, they move on to more problematic goal-seeking behaviors, such as power. 3. 6. 2. Power Some students don't hesitate to take a stand on matters important to them and are often disruptive and confrontational in reaching their goal. 3. 6. 3. Revenge Some students compensate for real or imagined hurt feelings and they target teacher or students for revenge. Revenge may come in the form of a physical and/or psychological attack. 3. 6. . Avoidance of Failure Wanting to avoid repeated failure, some students appear to be discouraged and helpless. This phenomenon, described as â€Å"learned helplessness† by psychologists, is characteristic of students who fail needlessly because they do not invest their best efforts. `3. 7. Possible Strategies: Sorcinelli (2002) suggests 4 principles to reduce incivilities. The principles are broad and so each one can be used to generate several concrete strategies. 3. 7. 1. Define expectations at the outset. â⠂¬ ¢Make good use of the first day of class.Use the first day to create the right climate for productive interaction. †¢Allow student participation in setting ground rules. Having students participate in setting the rules for classroom behavior and interaction 3. 7. 2. Decrease anonymity †¢Engage students one-on-one. Use the time right before and after class to make small talk with students. Ask about the weekend, or the homework, or common interests. †¢Learn and use names consistently and let students know that you are trying to memorize their names in the first weeks. 3. 7. 3. Encourage active learning.Meaningful engagement has obvious benefits for student learning and performance, but it can also bring some side benefits with respect to student behavior in the classroom. In fact, Sorcinelli (1991) points out that in classes that use active learning effectively, students †¢Feel more responsible for coming to class, and coming prepared †¢Pay more attention in class †¢Feel more responsible for their learning. The next chapter deals with research methodology. 4. Research Methodology In this chapter of research methodology, researcher has talked about the main research questions, research instruments and procedure. . 1. Research Questions: The present study focused on the following two questions: 4. 1. 1. How can the teacher maintain positive student behavior in the classrooms? 4. 1. 2. How far do the classroom rules have a significant effect on student’s behavior? 4. 2. Participants When defining the population upon which the research is to be focused, the researcher must take sampling decisions in the overall planning of the research. Due to the factors of expense, time and accessibility it may not be possible or practical to obtain measures from a population.Researchers, hence endeavor to collect information from a smaller group or subset of the population in such a way that knowledge gained is representative of total popu lation of the study. The Researcher used non-probability sampling for this study. The sampling framework which suited the research was convenience sampling. It involves the nearest convenient individuals to serve as respondents and continuing the process until the required sample size has been obtained. Non-probability sampling is best suited for a small scale survey.It’s far less complicated to set up, less expensive and adequate if researchers don’t intend to generalize the findings beyond the sample in question. The researcher visited 5 English medium schools for questionnaire survey and classroom observation, which were located in urban area of Lahore city. All the schools were private and all girls’ institutions. The researcher observed the students of Grade 7th in the real classroom situation and tried to assess the ways teachers can control/minimize misbehavior in their classrooms. The total number of sample population was 60 students.Age of the students was 12-13 years old. 4. 3. Research Instruments: The researcher used two tools. 4. 3. 1. Questionnaire Survey Questionnaires were used by the researcher to obtain the required data. It was an easier way to get relevant data from a large population. The researcher distributed questionnaires among 30 teachers and asked them to fill in their responses. The questionnaire was piloted before it was given to the participants. The questionnaires were administered to middle school teachers and the responds were examined. In this way data was collected from English medium schools of Lahore.Questionnaire contain 20 questions, among them 15 questions are close ended and 5 questions are open ended. Questionnaires can provide quantitative data using closed (or fixed-response) questions, where the respondent is presented with a number of alternative responses to a question and asked to mark the one that they feel is most appropriate. Researcher has used licked scale for this, which include five op tions such as strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree. Closed questions have been criticised for forcing people to choose their answer from the alternatives provided rather than answering in their own words.Qualitative data can be gathered using open (or free-response) questions to which respondents are asked to write their own answer 4. 3. 2. Classroom Observation Classroom Observation was undertaken in order to get a proper insight into the problem being explored. The researcher undertook four classroom observations that are widely used to measure changes in classroom behaviors. Classroom observation is confidential and it is an objective recording of what the instructor is doing and saying, what the students are doing and saying and interactions between the instructor and students.The researcher visited 5 different schools, and observed the students of Grade 7th in the real classroom situation. Classroom observation as a research and evaluation method can p rovide reliable and valid data on how teachers and students behave in the classroom before and after an intervention. It will explain the criteria for selecting an appropriate classroom observation protocol and examine under what circumstances classroom observation protocols can be used effectively.In the context of the current study special emphasis was placed on the use of classroom observation to examine how the teacher dealt with problematic students in the real classroom situation. 4. 4. Pilot Testing Both the research instruments, questionnaire and classroom observation was piloted before it was given to the participants. 4. 5. Ethical Considerations The information provided by the participants should remain confidential. For this purpose of confidentiality, informed consent form was signed by all the participants before the study was started. 4. 6. ProcedureThe researcher distributed questionnaires among 30 teachers and asked them to fill in their responses. The questionnaire s were administered to middle school teachers and the responds were examined. In this way data was collected from English medium schools of Lahore. Researcher distributed questionnaire among participants and collect the filled questionnaires from them next day. Researchers left the questionnaires with the participants and give them time of one day, so that they can have enough time to fill them. 5. Analysis For the coding of data, researcher runs spss. . Conclusion The effective use of behavioral and cognitive strategies in the classroom may appear daunting even to experienced teachers. The purpose of this research was to determine which management techniques and practices were most effective in the classroom in controlling student behavior, based upon critical analysis of the research literature. The aim of the research was to enable students to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes about classroom management and the objective was to identify approaches for managing student b ehavior.However, changing your behavior and strategies is often the most efficient and effective means of improving all types of classroom behaviors, both disruptive and non-disruptive. So is has been concluded after the research that teachers first need to understand these problems regarding students behavior and then try to find solutions by seeing the world through the eyes of their students. And then developing and using a set of intervention strategies on a regular basis, problems of emotions and behavior can be effectively managed and changed in the classroom. Psychology and Behavior 1. Abstract The research area is classroom management, and specifically dealing with student’s behavior problems in a real classroom situation. It is universally recognized that the teacher is the key person in an education system and a well-managed classroom can provide an exciting and dynamic learning experience for everyone involved. The main objective of the research is to identify approaches for managing student behavior in order to apply valuable ways to achieve effective and positive classroom management.The present research was cross-sectional, and researcher used this type of research because it can be both qualitative and quantitative. Researcher hence endeavors to collect information from a smaller group or subset of the population in such a way that knowledge gained is representative of total population of the study. 2. Introduction Statement of the research is â€Å"Student Behavior Problems† The present research was cross-sectional as the researcher focuse d on one particular point. The major advantage of cross-sectional research is that data can be collected from different type of people in a short time period.The researcher used this type of research because it can be both qualitative and quantitative. The Researcher used non-probability sampling for this study. The sampling framework which suited the research was convenience sampling. The researcher used the questionnaire survey and classroom observation as research tool. 2. 1. Research Problem How should a teacher deals with students’ behavior problems in a practical classroom situation? 2. 2. Sampling Detail When defining the population upon which the research is to be focused, the researcher must take sampling decisions in the overall planning of the research.Due to the factors of expense, time and accessibility it may not be possible or practical to obtain measures from a population. Researchers, hence endeavor to collect information from a smaller group or subset of the population in such a way that knowledge gained is representative of total population of the study. The Researcher used non-probability sampling for this study. The sampling framework which suited the research was convenience sampling. It involves the nearest convenient individuals to serve as respondents and continuing the process until the required sample size has been obtained.Non-probability sampling is best suited for a small scale survey. It’s far less complicated to set up, less expensive and adequate if researchers don’t intend to generalize the findings beyond the sample in question. The researcher visited 5 English medium schools for questionnaire survey and classroom observation, which were located in urban area of Lahore city. All the schools were private and all girls’ institutions. The researcher observed the students of Grade 7th in the real classroom situation and tried to assess the ways teachers can control/minimize misbehavior in their classro oms.The total number of sample population was 60 students. Age of the students was 12-13 years old. Next chapter talks about the literature review. 3. Literature Review 3. 1. What Is Classroom Management? Classroom management is a term used by teachers to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by students. The term also implies the prevention of disruptive behavior. It is possibly the most difficult aspect of teaching for many teachers and indeed experiencing problems in this area causes some to leave teaching altogether. Canter. 1997) Teachers feel overwhelmed and â€Å"powerless† in dealing with behavior problems in their classrooms. Canter (1997) pointed out that in the past, a simple stem look or warning was sufficient to shape up a classroom. â€Å"Misbehavior,† as Doyle contends, â€Å"is any action by one or more students that threatens to disrupt the activity flow or pull the class toward a program of a ction that threatens the safety of the group or violates norm of appropriate classroom behavior held by the teacher, the students, or the school's staff† (Doyle, 1986; p. 396). 3. . The Emphasis in Classroom Management 3. 3. Influences on Classroom Management: According to Emmer and Stough (2001), some studies have used student achievement or attitude as outcomes. But most classroom management research today has been concerned with identifying how teachers bring about student engagement with each other and limit the disruptions in the classroom. The following account will summarize the work of some important behavior theorists and in turn will identify the influences that each has made on classroom behavior and management. 3. 3. 1.Burrhus Frederick Skinner Burrhus Frederick Skinner's philosophies can be related to the issue of classroom management. Skinner (Sprinthall, 1981) emphasized his research on how the organism learns, regardless of its inherited potential, regardless o f its stage of physical or psychological development, and often regardless of its species. In regards to the classroom, Skinner (Conte, 1994) stated that by rewarding students for good behavior and ignoring or punishing wrong behavior, students would come to understand how to behave in a classroom environment. . 3. 2. William Glasser Glasser's Reality Therapy (Emmer and Stough, 2001) stressed the use of choice as the cause of behavior, good or bad, and thus instructed teachers to direct students towards making value judgments about their behavior. By making value judgments, students would come to realize the importance of â€Å"good† choices in behavior and continue to make them again in the future. Therefore, students were taught the difference between a â€Å"good judgment†, and a â€Å"bad judgment.In today's classrooms, rewards are given for â€Å"good choices† and consequences are given for â€Å"bad choices†. This process t is used to promote good behavior and diminish bad behavior in the classroom. 3. 3. 3. Jacob Kounin Jacob Kounin and his colleagues engaged in substantial classroom management research. His work focused on determining whether specific behavior settings and environmental conditions influenced behavior. He also identified a set of teacher behaviors and lesson characteristics, including, wittiness, smoothness, momentum, overlapping and group alerting.These characteristics would describe a teacher who knew what was going on at all times in the classroom and was able to deal with more than one issue or problem at a time. Kounin (Conte, 1994) thought teachers who could be that â€Å"aware† would be better managers of children in the classroom. 3. 3. 4. Abraham H. Maslow Maslow's research on hierarchy of needs has also influenced effective classroom management. Helping students meet their own needs is of the utmost importance to enhance student learning opportunities and to maintain teacher longevity in the classroom.Maslow (as cited in Sprinthall, 1981, p. 327) an important psychologist in the area of motivation theory, has suggested that there is a definite order in which individuals attempt to satisfy their needs. Maslow had declared there is an â€Å"order-of-importance† that is universal among all humans. Herbert Grossman (Gordon, 2001) recaps students' basic needs and the order which those needs must be met to produce well balanced members of society. 3. 4. Role of Teacher as Classroom Manager:According to Honeyford (1982) a major limiting factor in any classroom is the teacher; not only do his character, personality and competence play a large part in determining the atmosphere of the lesson, the sort of relationships which exist, the styles of communication and the rules and regulations governing the formalities, but the teacher also performs a key role in influencing the pupils’ view of himself and the sort of progress he/she makes. Successful classroom manageme nt has been defined as producing a high rate of work involvement with a low rate of deviancy in academic settings (Laslett and Smith, 1984).Well-managed classrooms did not result from magic, but that carefully established and maintained procedures should be at work (Sadker and Sadker, 1997). 3. 4. 1. Time management skill Academic learning time in the classroom has emerged as an important variable. Studies have shown that the amount of on-task behavior can vary as much as 40 percent from one classroom to the next. Even how quickly a teacher calls the class to order can vary all the way from one to ten minutes. Thus, how fficiently you have your lessons, how long you take to get started, how you handle digressions, off-task behavior, discipline and how you handle transitions will have an effect on student learning(Walberg,1988). 3. 4. 2. Seating arrangement Arrangements of space and furniture in ways that bunch students together or obstruct the teacher’s view make it more diff icult for a teacher to detect behavior task initiations early (Duke and Rehage, 1979). Seating arrangement must depend on the type of lesson to be taught, and the type of classroom furniture.Proper arrangement of furniture also contributes to the functionality of classrooms. Furniture is arranged so that students are oriented to the primary source or sources of information (e. g. , the teacher, audio-visual materials), while at the same time having access to other sources of activities (e. g. , work areas, computers) without disturbing in the classroom (Nitsaisook and Anderson, 1989). According to Anderson (1991) desks, chairs and tables can be arranged in a variety of ways; light and temperature can be increased or decreased. 3. 4. 3. Discipline in the classroomCallahan (1996) asserts that the best classroom environment is one that results in efficient learning. Discipline involves employing guidance and teaching techniques to encourage students to become self directive and thus to create an atmosphere conducive to learning. A teacher establishes classroom rules either with his or her students or before the school year begins. Rules are best if they are few in number, simple and easy to understand, and fair. Also rules should be posted in the classroom for all to see, and the teacher should go over the rules on the first day of school. 3. 4. 4.Dealing with disruptive students In order to handle misbehaving student, the following suggestions may prove helpful: †¢Deal with the present, current problem immediately, not with the past instances of the student misbehavior. †¢Talk to the student directly, instead of talking about him with others. †¢Don’t be harsh and provoked. Stay calm and address firmly. Anger, empty threats and physical handling must be avoided. †¢If the student’s misbehavior is impeding the teacher in teaching, â€Å"1statements† be used by explaining to the student why you are upset by his behavior. 3. 4 . 5. Exhibit Assertive BehaviorAssertive behavior differs significantly from both passive behavior and aggressive behavior. This researcher Emmer elaborates that teacher’s display assertive behavior in the classroom when they: †¢Use assertive body language by maintaining an erect posture, facing the offending student but keeping enough distance so as not to appear threatening and matching the facial expression with the content of the message being presented to students. †¢Use an appropriate tone of voice, speaking clearly and deliberately in a pitch that is slightly but not greatly elevated from normal classroom speech, avoiding any display of emotions in the voice. Persist until students respond with the appropriate behavior. Do not ignore an inappropriate behavior; do not be diverted by a student denying, arguing, or blaming, but listen to legitimate explanations. 3. 5. Addressing Problematic Student Behavior Reports of problematic behaviors are on the rise nation ally in Pakistan, not only in the classroom but in society at large (Kowalski, 2003). Some of these immature, irritating, or thoughtless behaviors or â€Å"classroom incivilities† include: †¢Lateness or leaving early †¢Side conversations †¢Disregard for deadlines Grade grubbing †¢Sniping remarks †¢Cheating These behaviors are not just instructors’ pet peeves; they have real costs including: †¢Distracting other students and instructor in class †¢Reducing student participation †¢Lowering other students' and instructor’s motivation in or out of class †¢Affecting fairness in grading †¢Using instructor time unproductively †¢Feeling disrespected as a fellow learner or authority figure 3. 6. Possible Causes: In order to limit or deal effectively with these behaviors, it is important to understand the factors that cause or facilitate them. . 6. 1. Attention Dreikurs believed that most students start misbehaving by s eeking attention, and when this fails, they move on to more problematic goal-seeking behaviors, such as power. 3. 6. 2. Power Some students don't hesitate to take a stand on matters important to them and are often disruptive and confrontational in reaching their goal. 3. 6. 3. Revenge Some students compensate for real or imagined hurt feelings and they target teacher or students for revenge. Revenge may come in the form of a physical and/or psychological attack. 3. 6. . Avoidance of Failure Wanting to avoid repeated failure, some students appear to be discouraged and helpless. This phenomenon, described as â€Å"learned helplessness† by psychologists, is characteristic of students who fail needlessly because they do not invest their best efforts. `3. 7. Possible Strategies: Sorcinelli (2002) suggests 4 principles to reduce incivilities. The principles are broad and so each one can be used to generate several concrete strategies. 3. 7. 1. Define expectations at the outset. â⠂¬ ¢Make good use of the first day of class.Use the first day to create the right climate for productive interaction. †¢Allow student participation in setting ground rules. Having students participate in setting the rules for classroom behavior and interaction 3. 7. 2. Decrease anonymity †¢Engage students one-on-one. Use the time right before and after class to make small talk with students. Ask about the weekend, or the homework, or common interests. †¢Learn and use names consistently and let students know that you are trying to memorize their names in the first weeks. 3. 7. 3. Encourage active learning.Meaningful engagement has obvious benefits for student learning and performance, but it can also bring some side benefits with respect to student behavior in the classroom. In fact, Sorcinelli (1991) points out that in classes that use active learning effectively, students †¢Feel more responsible for coming to class, and coming prepared †¢Pay more attention in class †¢Feel more responsible for their learning. The next chapter deals with research methodology. 4. Research Methodology In this chapter of research methodology, researcher has talked about the main research questions, research instruments and procedure. . 1. Research Questions: The present study focused on the following two questions: 4. 1. 1. How can the teacher maintain positive student behavior in the classrooms? 4. 1. 2. How far do the classroom rules have a significant effect on student’s behavior? 4. 2. Participants When defining the population upon which the research is to be focused, the researcher must take sampling decisions in the overall planning of the research. Due to the factors of expense, time and accessibility it may not be possible or practical to obtain measures from a population.Researchers, hence endeavor to collect information from a smaller group or subset of the population in such a way that knowledge gained is representative of total popu lation of the study. The Researcher used non-probability sampling for this study. The sampling framework which suited the research was convenience sampling. It involves the nearest convenient individuals to serve as respondents and continuing the process until the required sample size has been obtained. Non-probability sampling is best suited for a small scale survey.It’s far less complicated to set up, less expensive and adequate if researchers don’t intend to generalize the findings beyond the sample in question. The researcher visited 5 English medium schools for questionnaire survey and classroom observation, which were located in urban area of Lahore city. All the schools were private and all girls’ institutions. The researcher observed the students of Grade 7th in the real classroom situation and tried to assess the ways teachers can control/minimize misbehavior in their classrooms. The total number of sample population was 60 students.Age of the students was 12-13 years old. 4. 3. Research Instruments: The researcher used two tools. 4. 3. 1. Questionnaire Survey Questionnaires were used by the researcher to obtain the required data. It was an easier way to get relevant data from a large population. The researcher distributed questionnaires among 30 teachers and asked them to fill in their responses. The questionnaire was piloted before it was given to the participants. The questionnaires were administered to middle school teachers and the responds were examined. In this way data was collected from English medium schools of Lahore.Questionnaire contain 20 questions, among them 15 questions are close ended and 5 questions are open ended. Questionnaires can provide quantitative data using closed (or fixed-response) questions, where the respondent is presented with a number of alternative responses to a question and asked to mark the one that they feel is most appropriate. Researcher has used licked scale for this, which include five op tions such as strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree. Closed questions have been criticised for forcing people to choose their answer from the alternatives provided rather than answering in their own words.Qualitative data can be gathered using open (or free-response) questions to which respondents are asked to write their own answer 4. 3. 2. Classroom Observation Classroom Observation was undertaken in order to get a proper insight into the problem being explored. The researcher undertook four classroom observations that are widely used to measure changes in classroom behaviors. Classroom observation is confidential and it is an objective recording of what the instructor is doing and saying, what the students are doing and saying and interactions between the instructor and students.The researcher visited 5 different schools, and observed the students of Grade 7th in the real classroom situation. Classroom observation as a research and evaluation method can p rovide reliable and valid data on how teachers and students behave in the classroom before and after an intervention. It will explain the criteria for selecting an appropriate classroom observation protocol and examine under what circumstances classroom observation protocols can be used effectively.In the context of the current study special emphasis was placed on the use of classroom observation to examine how the teacher dealt with problematic students in the real classroom situation. 4. 4. Pilot Testing Both the research instruments, questionnaire and classroom observation was piloted before it was given to the participants. 4. 5. Ethical Considerations The information provided by the participants should remain confidential. For this purpose of confidentiality, informed consent form was signed by all the participants before the study was started. 4. 6. ProcedureThe researcher distributed questionnaires among 30 teachers and asked them to fill in their responses. The questionnaire s were administered to middle school teachers and the responds were examined. In this way data was collected from English medium schools of Lahore. Researcher distributed questionnaire among participants and collect the filled questionnaires from them next day. Researchers left the questionnaires with the participants and give them time of one day, so that they can have enough time to fill them. 5. Analysis For the coding of data, researcher runs spss. . Conclusion The effective use of behavioral and cognitive strategies in the classroom may appear daunting even to experienced teachers. The purpose of this research was to determine which management techniques and practices were most effective in the classroom in controlling student behavior, based upon critical analysis of the research literature. The aim of the research was to enable students to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes about classroom management and the objective was to identify approaches for managing student b ehavior.However, changing your behavior and strategies is often the most efficient and effective means of improving all types of classroom behaviors, both disruptive and non-disruptive. So is has been concluded after the research that teachers first need to understand these problems regarding students behavior and then try to find solutions by seeing the world through the eyes of their students. And then developing and using a set of intervention strategies on a regular basis, problems of emotions and behavior can be effectively managed and changed in the classroom.